Fossil Forest - Thrombolites - Lulworth (S43)
Fossil Forest - Thrombolites - Lulworth (S43)

Fossil - Thrombolite mounds surrounding Late Jurassic trees (Silicated but no longer present) of an ancient Cypress type .
Stromatolites are also present in the Forest
Thrombolites and Stromatolites are the result of precipitation of calcium carbonate around microbial growth (cyanobacteria)
in hypersaline water. Thrombolites are lumpy developments of carbonate.
Stromatolites consist of layered accretions.

Ref: 8623.4.5

Date: 12/12/2020

Location: SY 8335 7964 / SY 8331 7964

Fossil Forest - Thrombolites - Lulworth (S43)

Fossil - Thrombolite mounds surrounding Late Jurassic trees (Silicated but no longer present) of an ancient Cypress type .
Stromatolites are also present in the Forest
Thrombolites and Stromatolites are the result of precipitation of calcium carbonate around microbial growth (cyanobacteria)
in hypersaline water. Thrombolites are lumpy developments of carbonate.
Stromatolites consist of layered accretions.

Ref: 8623.4.5

Date: 12/12/2020

Location: SY 8335 7964 / SY 8331 7964